Why join a network of brand owned subscription marketplaces?
It opens up a whole new world of possibilities to drive subscribers, revenues, profits, and retention.

Why join a network of brand owned subscription marketplaces?

It opens up a whole new world of possibilities to drive subscribers, revenues, profits, and retention.
Drive Incremental Revenue
Marketing & Distribution
Market your plans to millions of consumers already using other services (and not yours) at no cost.

Personalized Pricing
Dynamically offer special discounts to pre-qualified consumers based on how much they spend on other services.

Advanced Targeting
Get the right price to the right consumer everytime with real-time behavior driven promotions.

Marketing & Distribution
Market your plans to millions of consumers already using other services (and not yours) at no cost.

Personalized Pricing
Dynamically offer special discounts to pre-qualified consumers based on how much they spend on other services.

Advanced Targeting
Get the right price to the right consumer everytime with real-time behavior driven promotions.

What makes SubSuite unique?
SubSuite empowers subscription brands to become their own marketplace. Together, brands have all the power they need to collaboratively drive more subscribers, increase profit margins, lower costs, and boost LTV. SubSuite provides the tools to make it all happen.
SubSuite Delivers
Smart, collaborative technology drives acquisition, retention, and profit maximization.
Millions of consumers already using other services.
Segment consumers by spend on other services.
Dynamic Pricing
Dynamically offer personalized, contingent pricing.
Lower CAC
Reduce total CAC by 50% or more!
Reduce Churn
Add 3 to 12 months of additional LTV.
Optimize Profits
Lower CAC, maximize pricing & never miss a sale.
New Markets
Sell on the marketplaces of locally popular services.
Test and iterate new pricing, tiering, & bundling strategies.
Smart, simple, partnership marketing.
The Marketplace
Subscription brands create branded marketplaces to offer their subscribers exclusive, personalized, optional, DIY bundle deals on select services.

Consumers select one "Primary" brand on SubSuite to gain access to their marketplace and DIY Bundle deals.
Sell Subscriptions Across the SubSuite Marketplaces
Dynamically offer your subscriptions at personalized prices to NEW subscribers based on what they already spend on other services.

Brand Marketing | Subscriber Growth
Brands promote their marketplaces (and your subscriptions) to existing subscribers to boost retention, cross-promote, monetize, and lower CAC.

Why do brands share their SubSuite Marketplaces?
Subscribers that buy add-on services from brand marketplaces stay 3 - 12 months longer than average and can boost your LTV by 20% or more.
Enhance Cross-Promotions
Drive new subscribers from your partners and vice versa. Subscribers buy each others services as an add on to their existing service.
Generate a new revenue stream selling sponsored placements on your marketplace. Drive traffic & earn higher ad revenue.
Lower CAC
Selling on SubSuite reduces your total CAC (marketing, advertising, distribution, payment processing) by 50% or more.
SubSuite Marketing | Subscriber Growth
SubSuite marketing drives consumers to buy services and join or join with an existing provider directly on SubSuite.io.

SubSuite Marketing | Platform Placements
Your services are accessible, discoverable, and promoted across the platform through various channels...

SubSuite Marketing | Platform Promos
...And uses consumer behavior and spending insights to present the right offer, to the right consumer, at the right time on the platform and beyond.

Effortless Purchasing
Subscribers add your service from their dynamically personalized brand marketplace (along with any others) and checkout seamlessly.

Subscription Creation
Subscriptions are seamlessly created via API OR coupon code redemption at registration.

Access, Manage & Buy
New subscribers can login and complete registration normally on any device (Web / Mobile / TV).

SubSuite always has your back
SubSuite works hard to retain your subscribers and, if needed, win them back for you.

Subscribers Love Buying on SubSuite
Subscribers love SubSuites personally tailored offers, stack and save DIY bundles, loyalty savings and subscription management.

Stack & Save
Subscribers get to stack on save on awesome deals. The more they buy, the more they save.
Tailored Deals
Personalzied offers, tailored just for them based on thier current subscription spending.
Subscription Management
Effortlessly manage and access subscription purchases from a single, user-friendly dashboard.
Loyalty Rewards
Passively earn loyalty rewards (reduced pricing on future purchases) for staying with their subscriptions for longer.
Simple & Intuitive Setup
Set up your brand profile on SubSuite

Create base plans that match what you sell publicly

Create personalized offers to your base plans

Manage your SubSuite offers

Optimize revenues with SubSuite recommendations

Maximize profits with analytics and reports

Marketplace Pricing

Pay only 10% + payment processing on subscriptions sold from the SubSuite marketplace.
Join Free
Free access to cross promotions, analytics, the marketplace and rewards features.
Marketplace Sales
Pay only 10% + payment processing for subscriptions sold via the SubSuite Marketplace.
Grow Smarter
Start selling for free today..

Join Free
Free access to cross promotions, analytics, the marketplace and rewards features.
Marketplace Sales
Pay only 10% + payment processing for subscriptions sold via the SubSuite Marketplace.
Drive more revenue with the SubSuite Marketplace
Start selling for free today.
Grow Smarter
Start collaborating for free today.