Terms of Service

SubSuite Terms of Service

Effective Date: 5/08/2024

Welcome to SubSuite, a revolutionary collaborative subscription marketplace and cross-promotions platform. By registering for SubSuite, you agree to abide by the following Terms of Service ("Terms"). Please read these Terms carefully before accessing or using SubSuite. Your registration signifies your acceptance of these Terms.

1. Data Usage and Privacy:

We may collect and use seller and subscriber data to enhance our Service and prevent cannibalization by not showing subscribers lower-priced options of their sellers’ plans. We may share data with GDPR-compliant vendors to improve the product but never sell or share subscriber data. SubSuite will never contact any sellers subscriber that did not directly register for SubSuite. 

2. Registration:

To use the Service, both consumers and sellers must register and create an account. By registering, you agree to provide accurate and complete information and to keep this information up-to-date.

3. Fees and Payments:

SubSuite is free for consumers. Subscription sellers are charged various fees, including revenue sharing fees, for the use of our platform. All fees are detailed during seller registration and can be found in the seller dashboard after login. Fees are subject to change and may be updated from time to time. Any changes to fees will be provided prior to them taking effect.

4. Use of the Service:

You agree to use the Service in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and not for any unlawful purposes. You are responsible for all activities that occur under your account.

5. Intellectual Property:

All content provided on the Service, including text, graphics, logos, and images, is the property of SubSuite or its content suppliers and protected by intellectual property laws.

6. Data Use and Privacy:

We collect and use subscriber data to enhance our Service and prevent cannibalization by not showing subscribers lower-priced options of their sellers’ plans. We may share data with GDPR-compliant vendors to improve the product but never sell or share subscriber data. Privacy Policy.

7. Termination:

We may terminate or suspend access to our Service immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, if you breach the Terms.

8. Disclaimer of Warranties:

The Service is provided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. SubSuite makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the Service or the information, content, or materials included on the Service.

9. Limitation of Liability:

SubSuite shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising from or connected with your use of the Service.

10. Governing Law:

These Terms shall be governed by the laws of the of the State of Delaware.

11. Changes to Terms:

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. We will provide notice of any changes by posting the new Terms on the Service.

12. Marketing and Promotion:

By registering with SubSuite, you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, display, perform, adapt, modify, distribute, and promote your trademarks, service marks, and logos, as well as any seller descriptions and related marketing materials provided to us (“seller Materials”), in connection with the Service and our marketing, promotion, and advertising of the Service. This includes the right to sub-license these rights to our hosting partners to the extent necessary for the hosting of the Service.

You affirm that you own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to grant us these rights. You also agree to provide us with any additional information necessary to assert the rights granted to us under this section.

13. Subscriber Information Use:

SubSuite may receive personal information about subscribers from sellers for the sole purpose of confirming subscription status and ensuring the integrity of our marketplace. We respect the privacy of all subscribers and commit to not soliciting them directly unless they are also registered users of SubSuite. We implement appropriate security measures to protect subscriber information and will only use this information in compliance with our Privacy Policy and applicable laws.

14. Cross-Promotions:

SubSuite provides a platform where sellers may optionally engage in cross-promotion activities. By participating in cross-promotion, sellers agree to:

          l  Set their own cross-promotional pricing in a fair and competitive manner.
          l  Use their best efforts to create a mutually beneficial cross-promotional process.
          l  Grant each other the right to use their respective names and logos only in cross-promotional materials.
          l  Ensure links in any cross-promtional emails, socials, or otherwise are links provided by SubSuite for cross-promotional distribution.

Each seller represents and warrants that it has the full authority to use and to allow the use of its name and logo and that such use does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third party. SubSuite is not responsible for any disputes arising from the use of a sellers name or logo in cross-promotion activities.

15. Payment Processing:

SubSuite partners with Stripe for seamless processing. Upon seller registration, sellers are provided with their own SubSuite Stripe account. Payments are immediately applied to the sellers SubSuite Stripe account at purchase. sellers can route payments from Stripe directly to their bank account. 

16. Cancelations & Upgrades:

Cancelations and upgrades can be easily handled by either the seller or SubSuite.

17. Customer Service:

Sellers can manage and own ALL customer service issues normally, including payment issues and cancellations. SubSuite can also process cancellations and upgrades for sellers customers. SubSuite can optionally handle all of your payment related issues with customers that subscribe via SubSuite, if you choose. 


18. Liabilities for uncollected funds:

SubSuite and Stripe may assist in making reasonable efforts to collect on chargebacks and unpaid subscriptions. However, the seller is responsible for all collections on their purchases and no party other than the seller is responsible for any uncollected funds from purchases made on SubSuite. Seller has full control and access to their susbcribers to manage collections. 

19. Lifecycle Management:

Sellers can affect their own lifecycle management strategy normally except with respect to the very first purchase email.

  • API Integration First Purchase Email: Seller agrees to include directions on subscribers access their new account (tsubscribers will need a password - all other aspects of the purchase will be in the selelrs system already). 
  • Coupon Integration First Purchase Email: Sellers agrees that the all coupons provided are valid lifetime coupons. Coupons provide free access at signup. Paymetns are handled via Stripe. 

SubSuite works to retain and upgrade sellers subscribers on the platform and through SubSuite related outreach. 

20. Contact Us:

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us:

          l  By email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
          l  By visiting this page on our website: Contact Us
          l  By phone number: 646-974-9747
          l  By mail: SubSuite, Inc. 1295 3rd Ave., Suite.1B, New York, NY 10021