Driving Subscribers for Music Brands

SubSuite empowers subscription brands to work together and across other industries to drive and retain subscribers at lower costs. 

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Driving Subscribers for Music Brands

SubSuite for dating app revenue growth

SubSuite empowers subscription brands to work together and across other industries to drive and retain subscribers at lower costs.

What makes SubSuite unique?

SubSuite uses collaborative technology to drive new subscribers, keeping total acquisition costs, including marketing, distribution, and payment processing to as low as 3%. That leaves music brands more pricing wiggle room to generate profits after royalties.


Easily cross-promote with other similar, complimentary or popular brands to drive new subscribers at their maximum value.

Core Subscribers

Drive new core subscribers with optional exclusive discounts to partnering services when they join.
Find subscription cross promotion bundle partners

Incremental Subscribers

Passively drive new subscribers with targeted discounts to qualified subscribers of partner brands.
Entice new consumers to join with optional exclulsive disounts from your partners.


Test and optimize to create the best partnerships that drive the most subscribers at the best value.
Stack and Save with Sticky Rewards

Core Subscribers

Drive new core subscribers with optional exclusive discounts to partnering services when they join.
Find subscription cross promotion bundle partners

Incremental Subscribers

Passively drive new subscribers with targeted discounts to qualified subscribers of partner brands.
Entice new consumers to join with optional exclulsive disounts from your partners.


Test and optimize to create the best partnerships that drive the most subscribers at the best value.
Stack and Save with Sticky Rewards

Marketplace Sales

Sell your subscriptions across the marketplaces of other brands, targeting millions of consumers with personalized prices based on what they already own.
Contingent subscription pricing
Contingent subscription pricing - maximizing value
Contingent subscription pricing - maximizing value - selling at the right price
Contingent subscription pricing
Contingent subscription pricing - maximizing value
Contingent subscription pricing - maximizing value - selling at the right price

Marketplace Rewards

Your SubSuite Marketplace works like a rewards page.

Discounts earned on purchases made from your marketplace are tied directly to your brand. Canceling your subscription also cancels the discounts they've built up. The more someone purchases from your marketplace, the less likely they are to cancel.  
Stack and Save with subscription rewards
Stack and Save with subscription rewards

Your SubSuite Marketplace works like a rewards page.

Discounts earned on purchases made from your marketplace are tied directly to your brand. Canceling your subscription also cancels the discounts they've built up. The more someone purchases from your marketplace, the less likely they are to cancel. 

Music lovers are everywhere

Let SubSuite find and convert them dynamically at the highest value point and lowest acquisition cost. Start free and take advantage of one or all of our solutions.

What is the overall SubSuite value prop?


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