Stack, Save, and Manage all your Subscriptions

Personalized subscription offers from your favorite brands, tailored just for you.

Stack, save and manage subscriptions

Stack, Save, and Manage all your Subscriptions

Stack, save and manage subscriptions

Personalized subscription offers from your favorite brands, tailored just for you.

Create DIY Subscription Bundles

Buy and keep more of what you love from brands that care.  

Stack & Save

Personalized Offers

Subscription Management

Simple & Free to Join

Buy a Primary.

Buy one primary subscription and optionally add special promotions and exclusive offers from their DIY bundle partners

Or, Select a Primary.

Access special deals & discounts you've already earned from one of your existing subscriptions.

Get started for free below. 

Buy a Primary Subscription

Optionally add special promotions and exclusive offers from their DIY bundle partners.

Join for FREE to access!

DIY Bundles
Personalized Offers
Discounts & Rewards
Subscription Management

Or, Choose an Existing App as your Primary

Access special deals & discounts from one of your existing subscriptions.

Cross-Promotions for existing subscribers

Take advantage of rewards and discounts you've ALREADY EARNED!

What makes SubSuite unique?

SubSuite is the only platform empowering subscription brands to directly offer consumers exclusive DIY bundle options from other services. Own all the services you want at prices that make sense for you. Easily manage them all in one place.
Cross-Promotions for existing subscribers


Get lower prices on services based on how much you’re already spending on other subscriptions. The more you buy, the more you save!


Easily manage and track all your subscription purchases in one place.
Cross-Promotions for existing subscribers
Cross-Promotions for existing subscribers


Access your apps normally via each brands phone, tablet, desktop or Smart TV. SubSuite provides access links to all your services in one place.

Earn Loyalty Rewards and Personalized Offers

Boost your loyalty score to earn even greater discounts on future purchases from other services.
Earn loyalty rewards and personalized offers

Buy from Brands that Care

Brands use SubSuite to collaborate and deliver consumers unmatched value, transparency, rewards, discounts, and effortless management. Create a portfolio of subscriptions from companies you can trust.

DIY Bundles

Saving $373 per year on all her subscription services

Loyalty Rewards

Earned an average 26% discount on future subscription purchases


Easily managing 17 subscriptions all in one dashboard

Simple, Transparent, Stack and Save Subscription Purchasing and Management

Create a DIY "Bundle"

Manage & Access

Stack & Save
