Simple Subscription Cross-Promotions
Cross-promoting on SubSuite is like bundling, but so much better. Enjoy all the good stuff bundling offers and more without the headaches.
Simple Subscription Cross-Promotions
Cross-promoting on SubSuite is like bundling, but so much better. Enjoy all the good stuff bundling offers and more without the headaches.
Drive New Subscriber Growth that Sticks For Less
Find Partners
Find like-minded subscription brands looking to cross-promote for growth, savings, and retention.
Offer Exclusive Deals
Entice new consumers to join with the option to add exclusive deals from your partners. Your partners do the same.
Stack, Save, Stick
Your new subscribers stack and save with super sticky discounts tied directly to their subscription with your brand.
Find Partners
Find like-minded subscription brands looking to cross-promote for growth, savings, and retention.
Offer Exclusive Deals
Entice new consumers to join with the option to add exclusive deals from your partners. Your partners do the same.
Stack, Save, Stick
Your new subscribers stack and save with super sticky discounts tied directly to their subscription with your brand.
Cross-Brand Promotions
Collaborate with similar, complimentary, and popular brands to drive new core and incremental subscribers at the maximum value point.
Why Cross-Promote on SubSuite?
Drive more subscribers, earn a higher profit margin on every sale and keep your subscribers around longer.
Simple Collaboration
Create cross-promotions with 2 clicks.
New Subscribers
Drive core value and incremental subscribers.
Lower CAC
Reduce total CAC by 50% or more!
Reduce Churn
Add 3 to 12 months of additional LTV.
Dynamic Pricing
Get the right price to the right consumer.
No Complex Contracts
Flexible & adaptable terms & pricing.
Mix & Match
Mix and match your SubSuite partners to optimize your strategy or create different promotions for multiple campaigns.
Frictionless Subscriber Flow
Consumers can access your cross promotions ( from your promos...
Or through our promos.
First they select the plan they want to purchase from your brand...
And optionally add any plans from your cross promotion partners.
After checkout, new subscribers can easliy manage and access their purchases.
And can come back anytime to mange or add more subscriptions from your partners.
Keep Selling
New subscribers get access to branded Marketplaces where they can keep buying and you and your partners can keep earning.
Stack and Save
Your subscribers can keep saving with continued access to your cross promotions.
No Cannibalization
Promotions are dynamic and only appear to new subscribers of each brand.
New subscribers get access to branded Marketplaces where they can keep buying and you and your partners can keep earning.
Stack and Save
Your subscribers can keep saving with continued access to your cross promotions.
No Cannibalization
Promotions are dynamic and only appear to new subscribers of each brand.
Drive Retention & LTV
Subscribers that purchase cross-promotions are more likely to stay subscribed an additional 3-12 months beyond average.
Rewards and Retention
Discounts and savings are all tied to your brand, creating lasting, mutally benefical relationships with your subscribers.
Subscription Management
Simple account management encourages subscribers to make more purchases from your partners.
Subscribers that purchase cross-promotions are more likely to stay subscribed an additional 3-12 months beyond average.
Rewards and Retention
Discounts and savings are all tied to your brand, creating lasting, mutally benefical relationships with your subscribers..
Subscription Management
Simple account management encourages subscribers to make more purchases from your partners.
Simple & Intuitive Setup
Set up your brand profile on SubSuite
Find & Create Cross-Promotion Partnerships
Set a discount price for each partner
Share your SubSuite Cross-Promotions page
Optimize partnerships, pricing, and strategy with real time data.
Inter or Intra Company Promos
Maximize revenues and usage across your portfolio of brands.
Partner with other brands to drive new paying core and incremental subscribers.
Cross-Promotion Pricing
Pay only the 3% payment processing fee!
Join Free
Free access to cross promotions, analytics, the marketplace and rewards features.
Cross Promotions
Pay the bare minimum of 3% payment processing for subscriptions sold via your SubSuite Cross Promotions page. No additional rev share or fixed fees. Our gift to you for joining.
Pay only the 3% payment processing fee!
Join Free
Free access to cross promotions, analytics, the marketplace and rewards features.
Cross Promotions
Pay the bare minimum of 3% payment processing for subscriptions sold via your SubSuite Cross Promotions page. No additional rev share or fixed fees. Our gift to you for joining.
Grow Smarter with SubSuite Cross-Promotions
Start collaborating for free today.
Start collaborating for free today.